Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Expert - Clashing

Clashing isn't a concept you come across in Street Fighter. When two moves hit in Street Fighter, one wins and one loses. In Arcana Heart, it's not quite that simple.

There are two ways clashes can happen in this game.

1. Two moves collide at the exact same time. This is the most obvious reason, and the most common.
2. A clashing move hits any other move. Some moves are designed to cause clash.

When moves clash, there's a bright flash of green lightning on screen, and the word INTERSECT will show up on both sides of the screen. Now for the important question - what do you do when clash happens?

Clashing allows you to cancel freely into any move you want, ignoring recovery and wakeup entirely. There's only one rule to this system - you can't use the same move twice in a row. (Unless you're in the air, in which case you can do whatever the hell you want.)

What are the implications of this? Well, for one, clashing works as an anti air - clash with your opponent's air move, then use 5A to stop him getting in. It basically serves as a reset, and you can either try and play the poking game with your opponent, homing cancel back with 4D to make your opponent whiff and then punish, or just play it safe and block.

Also, there are some moves which never clash - you can use these as baits, or punishes if your opponent is trying to make a clash happen. (Or, y'know, just let them whiff and punish afterward. Whatever works.)

Clash forces you to stay on your toes, and be ready to cancel if your attack hits in time with your opponents. On the other hand, you'll never have to worry about hitboxes or priority screwing you over ever again. :D

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