Combos work slightly differently in Arcana Heart than they do in, say, Street Fighter. This requires a little explanation.
To put it simply, every move has what's called an untechable time. This is a length of time after hitting that opponent can't do anything, and during this time you're free to hit your opponent with another move. When you hit with a second move, it has its OWN untechable time and so on.
In order to stop infinite combos, this untechable time decreases the further you get into a combo. We'll call this hitstun decay. If you've played any Blazblue, you're probably already familiar with this concept.
Eventually, it will be possible to escape from a combo by teching. This is performed simply by pressing any button, along with a direction based on whether you want to tech forwards or backwards. When you tech, you're momentarily invincible to attacks, but not to throws.
However, teching can be punished by certain characters/arcanas. For example, if you tech in the air towards the opponent, they might hit you with an air unblockable as soon as the invincibility ends. Of course, Kira is the master of this - tech in front of her and you're probably eating an air SPD (yes, she has those).
As a result, there are some points where you might not want to tech right away in order to avoid these techtraps. This will cause combos to do almost no damage, and will cause throws to whiff entirely. Sometimes the best tactic is to do nothing.
Agh I sound so zen now goddammit.
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