Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Epilogue - Wrapping Up and Useful Links

This has only been a brief and probably very uninformative tutorial on how to play Arcana Heart 3. Much of this is because I'm not exactly experienced with the game myself, but I'm trying my best here. :V

Anyway, for people who know what they're talking about, I'd suggest the following links:

Mizuumi Wiki - A good general source for the game. Contains great info on characters and arcana. Great for people who want to get an indepth look at how their character works.

Homing Cancel - The top AH3 forum in the west. If you've got questions, you could do a lot worse than bringing them up here, and there's character specific boards to look through. Think of it as the Arcana Heart version of Shoryuken.com.

KingsWith0utCrowns on Youtube - A great source for high-level AH3 play. A good place to look for seeing Arcana Heart at the top tier, and for stealing any cool setups or mixups you see. :P

Catherine vs Petra - Match Commentary & Analysis - A handy video put up by NovrilTataki, this video explains the choices and actions made by two high-tier players during a game of AH3. Worth watching in order to make the apparent randomness a bit easier to keep track of.

Well, that about wraps up what I've got on the game. Hopefully I managed to get at least one person interested. If not...well, I just wasted 6 hours of my life putting this together. :[

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